Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Traffic surveys by Sweden

Vi sammanställer MILJÖUTMANINGEN med ett diagram, hur tog vi oss till förskolan under veckan GÅ CYKEL eller BIL.

- We complied the environmental challenge by using a graph , how we get to the kindergarten during the week. Walk , bike or car.

Vi började räkna hur många som gått och pappret räckte precis. Sedan tog vi cykel, det var mycket mindre! Sist räknade vi bil oj oj , det var jätte många, ska pappret räcka? Vi fick lov att förlänga pappret. 

- We started counting how many that walked and the paper was just enough. Then we took and counted how many who used bike , it was much lesser! At last we counted how many who used car , oh oh it was very many , Will the paper suffice? We had to extend the paper.

Frågor som kom upp: Vad är miljö? Vad är bra/dåligt för miljön? Varför väljer vi bil fast vi inte behöver? Om det hade varit sommar med sol och värme under veckan , hade det då sett annorlunda ut? 

- Questions that came up : What is the environment? What's good/bad for the environment? Why do we choose to take the car even tho we dont need to? If it was summer with sun and warmth during the week , would it then had looked diffrently. 

Barnen sa : miljön är naturen. Det är bra för benen att gå! Man kan plocka upp skräp när man går! Bilar släpper ut bensin! Det kan bli märken på vägen av bilar. 

- The children Said : Enviroment is the nature. It's good for the legs to walk. You can pick up trash while you walk.

Cars releases petrol. Cars may leave marks on the road.

Det kan vara jobbigt att gå. Det kan vara kallt . - Föräldrarna kanske måste göra något sen. - att man bor långt borta , t.ex landet. -

It can be tiring to walk , it can be too cold , the parents may have something to do later or that you live too far away. 

Det skulle vara NOLL på bil och HUNDRA på dom andra! - om det är långt kan man stanna och dricka. - Det är bäst att gå och cykla det är också bra för benen.

 - It should be ZERO at the car stack and HUNDRED at the other ones. If It's too long you can stop and grab something to drink.  It's for the best to walk and cycling , it also good for the legs.

Friday, 12 December 2014

Trip to Spain-Sweden

Article for local newspaper - Sweden

In November, we wrote an article about our Comenius project that we got published in Västerås Citys website. Unfortunately, no one wanted by the local newspapers wanted pubicera article.

Friday, 5 December 2014

Lucia in Sweden

Next week we have a tradition in Sweden called Lucia.
Lucia is a holiday celebrated on December 13 and the name of the feast protagonist. In Sweden, Christmas celebration starts with Lucia Day and with Advent. The Swedish Lucia is a mixture of both pre-Christian and Christian figures and a saint in the Roman Catholic Church originating from Sicily. The word Lucia comes from the Latin lux, meaning light. The tradition of Lucia procession originated in Sweden in the late 1800s.
Lucia procession has always a Lucia, wearing a long, white dress with a chandelier on her head and a red ribbon on the belly. Lucia followed by the "tärnor", in identical white long dress that Lucia but with glitter in their hair and on the waist and a candle in her hand. After them, sometimes follow "stjärngossar" who are dressed in white dresses and with a "starcone" on his head covered with stars and a star-decorated stick in hand. When Lucia procession consist of children they often even includes Santa Claus and boys/girls dressed as gingerbread. Lucia procession performance Lucia songs, carols and verse reading. 

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Traffic surveys by Spain

Traffic surveys 
This month, our students start to work on exploring effects of traffic pollution and how it can be reduced

Ways to avoid traffic pollution.
- Each time our students go out on an excursion they will fill out a survey with data related to traffic such as amount of cars/buses or bikes they see, people in a car, cycle paths, urban buses, and so on. These activities are for third and fourth level students (7, 8 and 9 years old).
 After filling the surveys, they will analyze tests results and make their own graphs or charts.
- Of course, they will try their best to find answers and propose how to solve what they consider must be changed.
- They investigate in the classroom using maths or science lessons to do so.
Surveys for the families in order to know their daily habits.
- They will work on wall charts to show the others classrooms what they have been working on.
Watching documentaries or short films about pollution during the lessons.

- Show them how to act responsibly when walking by means of different activities:
* Participating in “Chiquimoto” at school.
* Traffic education program at school.
* Reading books related to driving education.     


Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Year One Forest School; Autumn 1 2014

Forest School - Autumn Term 1 2014/2015
Year 1 – Mrs Carter’s Class

Session 1

Our first session was a tidy up session as Forest School had become untidy over the summer holidays.  We took the litter pickers with us and had a good tidy up.  With so many helpers it didn’t take long to get Forest School looking the way we like it.

Monday, 23 June 2014

Midsummer in Sweden

We celebrate the Swedish Midsummer tradition.

Midsummer is a holiday celebrated on the summer solstice. 

In Sweden, the most common celebrations of midsummer tied to dance around a maypole - a leafy and flower adorned rod or pole, either in the form of a cross with garlands hanging from the crossbar or one or more major wreaths hanging in the band, surrounding the pile.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

UK mobility to Spain
Comenius Report      
Jerez, Spain
May 2014

In the morning we visited El Membrar School. The school currently hosts approximately 300 pupils from 3-8years old, however the school develops each year and in 3-4 years will be a fully established 2 form entry primary school with children aged 3-11 years old. Each class has between 20-27 pupils and teachers have the opportunity to stay with the same class for a maximum of 2 years. The school is only 5 years old and uses whiteboards and exercise books to support the learning. There are some children that need additional support and this is given in the form of out of class interventions. These interventions are run by 2 teachers that do not have their own classes. It is the decision of the class teachers to decide who needs intervention and in what areas.

The children were waiting in the playground to welcome us. Both junior classes and infant classes had prepared English songs for us. Each visitor was presented with a calendar and a hand painted fan. We then visited a range of classrooms to look at displays and some examples of work.

Monday, 2 June 2014

Year Reception Forest School; Summer 1 2014

Forest School - Summer Term 1 2013/2014
Reception – Mrs Newman’s Class

Session 1

In our first session we were given the chance to explore Forest School and to see how it had changed since we were last down there.  The grass was much longer and the trees and bushes were much thicker with leaves.  We also noticed that some trees had been planted and that the bug hotels that we had helped to build were finished.

As always there was plenty to do and lots of opportunities for us to use our imagination.

“Do you like our motorike?”

Friday, 30 May 2014


The kids have been talking together and drawn on how we can take care of the environment and our garbage. The younger children took pictures and showed how they are doing to protect our environment. There were many interesting and long discussions among the children.

Thursday, 15 May 2014


Today we celebrated the preschool day at Happy Moose. It is celebrated throughout Sweden every year in May The kids got to play on various stations where they tossed and rolled the balls into the bucket, walked a tightrope, relay path and we painted and did just fine on our fence. We minded, also chicken wok on our grill and ate lunch outdoors in the nice spring weather.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014


We have, together with the youngest children built a bug hotel where ants, spiders and other bugs can do. The youngest children were in the woods and gathered different materials such as pine cones, sticks and bark. We have put it on the wind deflector wall where children can follow the animals under our various seasons.

Monday, 12 May 2014

Easter in Sweden Swedish tradition

Easter celebration!
 We celebrated our Easter in Sweden by eating a delicious Easter lunch that consisted, inter alia, of meatballs, sausage, eggs, shrimp, herring and other goodies. Some of the children were dressed up as easter old women and 
Easter men. We have also made little Easter chicks in dough as we colored yellow.The children fot themselves shape the chicken and replace it with eyes and feathers. On the outsider area we also put feathers in the tree.

Monday, 31 March 2014

Lilly's of the valley

Today our environmental awareness group walked to Churchdown ponds and joined other local schools to help with a community planting project.