Monday, 23 June 2014

Midsummer in Sweden

We celebrate the Swedish Midsummer tradition.

Midsummer is a holiday celebrated on the summer solstice. 

In Sweden, the most common celebrations of midsummer tied to dance around a maypole - a leafy and flower adorned rod or pole, either in the form of a cross with garlands hanging from the crossbar or one or more major wreaths hanging in the band, surrounding the pile.

Forming rings and dancing around the maypole while singing famous Swedish childrensongs. Maypole probably came to Sweden from Germany in the 1300 - or 1400's. It is also called maypole, by some considered to originate from the ancient word maja meaning promise. Others believe that the name comes from the word Maibaum.

Having a wreath of flowers in her hair are common during midsummer, especially among children and women. You can tie them with birch twigs or wire base and thereby add leaves and flowers.

At midsummer in Sweden it is customary to eat pickled herring, sour cream and chives, potatoes and strawberries for dessert. Midsummer is closely associated with just fresh potatoes, who gladly served with dill. Many drinking schnapps to the food.

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