Monday, 23 June 2014

Midsummer in Sweden

We celebrate the Swedish Midsummer tradition.

Midsummer is a holiday celebrated on the summer solstice. 

In Sweden, the most common celebrations of midsummer tied to dance around a maypole - a leafy and flower adorned rod or pole, either in the form of a cross with garlands hanging from the crossbar or one or more major wreaths hanging in the band, surrounding the pile.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

UK mobility to Spain
Comenius Report      
Jerez, Spain
May 2014

In the morning we visited El Membrar School. The school currently hosts approximately 300 pupils from 3-8years old, however the school develops each year and in 3-4 years will be a fully established 2 form entry primary school with children aged 3-11 years old. Each class has between 20-27 pupils and teachers have the opportunity to stay with the same class for a maximum of 2 years. The school is only 5 years old and uses whiteboards and exercise books to support the learning. There are some children that need additional support and this is given in the form of out of class interventions. These interventions are run by 2 teachers that do not have their own classes. It is the decision of the class teachers to decide who needs intervention and in what areas.

The children were waiting in the playground to welcome us. Both junior classes and infant classes had prepared English songs for us. Each visitor was presented with a calendar and a hand painted fan. We then visited a range of classrooms to look at displays and some examples of work.

Monday, 2 June 2014

Year Reception Forest School; Summer 1 2014

Forest School - Summer Term 1 2013/2014
Reception – Mrs Newman’s Class

Session 1

In our first session we were given the chance to explore Forest School and to see how it had changed since we were last down there.  The grass was much longer and the trees and bushes were much thicker with leaves.  We also noticed that some trees had been planted and that the bug hotels that we had helped to build were finished.

As always there was plenty to do and lots of opportunities for us to use our imagination.

“Do you like our motorike?”